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Divisions are used to segregate teams into different scoreboards. If no divisions are specified, a single default "Open" division is created.

Divisions have the following properties:

  • name (required): The name of the division
  • description (required): A description of the division
  • email_regex (optional): A regex pattern that the user's email must match to join this division
  • requirement (optional): A description of the requirement to join this division
  • max_players (optional): The maximum number of players that can be on a team in this division. If not specified, or set to unlimited, there is no limit
  • discord_role_id (optional): The Discord role ID that will be assigned to users in this division

Here is an example configuration with multiple divisions:

  - name: Open
    description: Open division for everyone
    discord_role_id: 1297614892563435540
  - name: Undergraduate
    description: Undergraduate university students globally
    email_regex: ^.*.edu$
    requirement: Must verify a valid university .edu email address
    discord_role_id: 1297614961941680239
  - name: OSU
    description: OSU undergraduate students
    email_regex: ^.*\.\d+@(buckeyemail\.)?osu\.edu$
    requirement: Must verify a valid OSU email address. Max of up to 4 players
    max_players: 4
    discord_role_id: 1297615021773295709